Rehabilitation Services

To maximize progress through a comprehensive program of care, UIRehab offers a multitude of services that focus on body, mind, and spirit.  Our clinical rehabilitation services have been developed specifically for adults who are living with brain injury, spinal cord injury, and other neurological conditions, who desire to live as independently as possible. Our services are carried out in a structured, safe, and supervised environment tailored to fit each of our Clients’ needs and essential level of assistance, from minimal oversight to maximal assistance.

A non-traditional Client-centric therapy program

Setting goals is an essential part of every rehabilitation program and the most effective way to reach a successful outcome.  From the moment a Client joins our program, our team of therapists support them in their efforts.  Each therapist takes the time to get to know their Clients, treats them with respect, motivates and helps them to stay informed to make better decisions in support of a healthy and independent lifestyle.  Though the overall goal of rehabilitation is to help regain abilities and independence, the specific goals are different for each individual.  Our therapists evaluate their client’s situation and tailor a rehabilitation treatment based on realistic goals and level of ability.  After goals are developed, a Client works together with each of their therapists on a specific intervention plan to help improve or maintain their ability to perform daily activities.  The evaluation becomes part of a larger, comprehensive plan with an inter-disciplinary approach that includes additional therapeutic intervention.  Each member of a Client’s care team serves as an advocate for continued resources and our Clients are educated on how to manage their conditions so that they are able to achieve long-term health benefits to the most of their independence. 

Whether an individual is born with an impairment or acquires it as a result of an accident or illness, the opportunity to benefit from therapy should always be considered.  There is no way to avoid all hiccups that life throws our way, however, participation in therapy helps an individual to reclaim ownership over their life in ways they never thought were possible, by learning ways to manage their challenges by building the skills necessary to participate in the things that they want to do—their goals, their activities, their independence. 

At Universal Institute, we focus on the ability and provide the resources for our Clients to chase their dreams and "Never Say Never."

How We Serve Our Clients

Structured Day Programs

Structured Day Program

Our community-based day program provides a fun, individualized, and structured therapeutic environment where Clients participate in meaningful, supervised activities to assist in the development and retention of life-enhancing skills.


Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy

Through an individualized, multi-functional design system focused on functional and practical skills acquisition, our Clients are able to maximize information processing and practice new strategies to compensate for deficits.

Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Our unique and dynamic rehabilitation facility provides on-going opportunities for individualized therapy goals to be targeted in functional environments, fostering authentic, relevant, and motivating communication experiences.


Occupational Therapy

Our Occupational Therapy department emphasizes functional independence through the value of “occupation” to maximize quality of life. We provide our Clients with individualized goals tailored to remediate impaired abilities through activities of daily living skills.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Various therapeutic techniques along with special equipment, such as a gait training system, are utilized to achieve therapeutic goals to prevent disability, promote the ability to move, restore function, and to manage a variety of conditions to attain long-term health benefits.